Java SDK and Development

Java SDK Editions

Standard and Enterprise

Standard Edition

Minimum Edition to create Java programs

Enterprise Edition

SE plus components that are for developing enterprise programs.

Enterprise programs entails multiuser, multitier applications.

Runtime Environment

This is what is needed to run Java programs


Tools in different categories aiding development of Java programs.

Most have a command line interface.

Basic Tools

These are the tools needed to compile, run and debug Java programs.

RMI Tools

These tools are to setup and use RMI (Remote Method Invocation).

RMI is Remote Procedure Calls - calling methods in another object that is located remotely from the computer the calling object is located on; distributed computing.

International Tools

These tools are for internationalization tasks.

Security Tools

These tools deal with keys and certificates to ensure safe computing.

A whole course could be devoted to Java security.

Java IDL Tools

These tools deal with naming resources in a distributed computing environment.

Java Plug-in Tools

These tools deal with the plug-in for browsers that cause it to use the new Java Virtual Machine in Java 2 v1.3. Otherwise, the JVM that is packaged with the browser is used and maybe an older version and not have the new features of Java 2.

Core API

Object, methods and behaviors that MUST be implemented to have a true Java Platform.

The Java Platform can be written by other vendors besides Sun. Sun maintains control of the Java Platform specification at this point.

Runtime Core API

A collection of useful object and methods to be used in Java programs.

Standard Core API

More advanced objects – JavaBeans, JDBC, JFC, etc…

Enterprise Core API

Enterprise objects – JSP, Servlets, Transactions, etc…

Optional Extensions

Objects that provide specialized functionality. Classified as optional extensions so that the Core Java environment doesn’t have to be burdened down with unnecessary bulk.

Standard Extensions

Extensions that are considered part of the Standard Edition of Java.

A vendor must implement an extension as specified by Sun.

Enterprise Extensions

Extensions that are considered part of the Enterprise Edition of Java.

A vendor must implement an extension as specified by Sun.

Other APIs

Other technologies and API’s for Java. There is no official Sun specification that other vendors must conform to with these components.

Installing SDK

Download & Installing Java SDK, Documentation and Core API Source.

SDK Information

Directory Structure

Class Path

Navigating Documentation

Development Process


Simple: editor and command line prompt (like MS-DOS)

Intermediate: editor, compile, run, debug integrated GUI environment

Advanced: integrated GUI environment plus lots of features to organize projects and code and to aid in writing code.


javac command

Common Errors:


java command

Common Errors:


jdb command and session


javadoc command
